Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Plugging Along

Sorry for such a time span between the last post but just been really busy with work, paperwork and other real life things. Sadie had her second birthday last week and she had a blast. Her grandmother from Tennessee and grandfather came down for the week and she got a present every day leading up to the big day from them. Spoiled!???? Naaahhhhhh!!!! Both Grandmothers do this LOL! Only thing that was not picture perfect was our little Sadie had a case of pink eye which reared its ugly head the Saturday before. So probably no pictures posted but it was a good day.

On the adoption front, we have started our homestudy and adoption prep classes. Kind of funny as most of the classes deal with international adoption issues and being through one already alot of it is repetative. However you always gain a little new information or knowledge with each new thing you do.

We are also getting all of the paperwork together and that part should actually go pretty quick for us. anyway more later.