Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thanh Hoa 3 Get Together

Here are a couple of pics of Sadie (one with Emma) and her two Vietnamese "sisters". All had a blast and the porch swing is always a hit. The blue mouth btw is due to just finishing a blue ringpop!

Emma First Photo Shoot

She had a blast doing this and it was all her. She wanted to do this. I told her you don't have to but she says yes that way I can be in movies with Jackie Chan! So you can probably figure out she is a huge fan of his and we have loads of his movies now. Apparently she watched his movies in her foster home quite often in China. My the way in China he is known as Chun Long.

School has Started!

So a new school year is upon us. Deanna has started back teaching at two different schools. Makes for a tough day but she loves being able to teach a wide range of kids. Emma has started 6th Grade. She is at the middle school her mom teaches at so that is turning out to be fun. We will see how it goes when she has her mom for art during the second semester! Emma has started off the school year with a bang. She has popped off 3 100's on three test this past week. A 105 on a Science test and 100 and 101 on spelling and definition tests. She study hard all week, and it may have had something to do with a deal I made that if she made A's on 2 out of 3 I would take her to eat crablegs, which she loves!

Sadie is still her wide open self! Full speed full time is the way it goes. She is in "school" also she says. It is in a way. We considered putting her in Pre K/3 yr olds but decided to let her get another year with her Gaga. My mother is a retired elementary school teacher and she essentially works and teaches Sadie during the week in small doses. She is counting to 10 sometimes to 20, working on ABC's and can say most of them when she feels like it. Has learned to write her name and loves to draw.

What else, Emma caught the eye of a talent scout and was asked to do some modeling pics for a local agency. We let her decide and she really wanted to so she had her first real photo shoot two weeks ago. We have some of the proofs and I will post a few to see as well as a couple of photos from our recent get together with Sadie's two Thanh Hoa "sisters". As all three girls are less than a couple of weeks apart, all from the same place and all adopted at the same time, we try and get together a couple of times a year. It works out as all of us live in central NC sort of.