Friday, May 14, 2010

May. Mothers Day and Summer Approaching

Well first off, I have been bad about posting new pics for folks,, just have not gotten around to downloading the loads we have. For the life of the Peacock family,, here we go!

it has been about a month and the girls are doing great. Both Dee and myself have been really tired lately but more so due to work related stuff than anything. She is a school teacher and this time of the year is crazy, me I am in state parks and we are gearing up for the summer season.

Emma at school is doing great. She does very well in math and science and as her English improves her social studies is getting better. She is reading a couple of levels below grade level but is improving and doing well on her AR test. Emma and Sadie are two peas in a pod. If Emma does something you can be assured that Sadie will be doing it, eating it or saying it! Emma has several dvd's from china, she along with the videos is even teaching Sadie Chinese.

Mothers day was pretty exciting. Once Emma got the gist of what the day was about, I took the two girls to Old navy so each could pick out something for their mother. It took a while but I convinced them that Dee does not necessarily want a pink shirt and pink pants. Oh and when they found the things they started laughing and asking to get that. Sadie was even proclaiming loudly that she wanted one. A couple of ladies looked at us, I explained mothers day shopping and no we were not buying things and they laughed and said how sweet. Anyway I finally convinced them and we had our purchases. Mothers Day they were both so excited to give Dee her presents, which also included jde earrings I bought in China.

So life goes on and summer is approaching. The girls have a swing set and has already been used so much. My mother bought a giant waterslide thing and it is in her backyard so when the girls go over there, loads of chaos happens. All in all pretty good, looking for some summer fun and getting Emma ready for middle school.