Well, it has been oh 4 or 5 months since we started our second adoption. Sadie is almost 2 and half growing like crazy and talking alot. Sometimes I wonder maybe too much!LOL We took a vacatio over Easter to Nags Hed on the Outer Banks of NC and while the weather sucked we did have a good time. Sadie has decided she likes boats and boat docks and was up every morning at 630 or 7 waking us up saying,, We gonna go see boat! We went on a couple of bots including the Elizabeth II replica sailing ship and she had a blast. It rained and was cold but good food took in some great sights and it was relaxing most importantly.
On the second adoption we were very lucky. The wonderful social worker who did our first home study is our social worker for this adoption so the home study process was very comfortable and went very smooth as we were all familiar with each other. We got the official hometudy from our agency in the mail a few days ago and will be starting our I800 paperowork probably this weekend. All is really up in the air as far a adoptions in Mexico due to teh swine flu outbreak mostly but next year, when we expect is closer to when we know more hard information that should be well behind everyone(we hope.) Delays an dissue ssuch as this are to be expected. During the process with Sadie we were delyed a few times, one by an unrelated investigation in her home province that took up manpower( it was a corrupt land deal that was a big deal) and then a typhoon hit when we were supposed to go and delayed us another month. Also in Vietnam it was not swine flu but avaian flu so it seems this is all part of the process and you just prepare you self for the ups and downs long the way. Well not much more to report besides that, sorry for the delay but I will post more as we know more.