Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We just got our I797C in the mail today. This is our approval to proceed with the adoption of our soon to be daughter from China. It is what you get after sending in fees and paperwork for an I800A. So the journey continues. Hope to have our dossier in the mail by mid to late next week as most of it is done minus one form I am getting Monday!.
More later

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Picture time

Ok, not pics of our daughter in waiting, those will have to wait, keeping that private. But some pics of Ms Sadie. She is becoming a mess, but all in a good way!

From top down
Yes it is a SadieBug
I love chocolate
I have mommies boxers on hahahaha

Friday, July 24, 2009

Big Big Change of Plans!!!!!

Ok we started this process of a second adoption oh Feb. of this year I think. We had decided on Mexico as we had a fondness for the country( I lived there in 1990). The main reason was Vietnam is now closed so not an option and waits in other Asian countries were to long. Why Asian, not for the trend reasons at all, instead Sadie is from an Asian country and we fely having a sibling who had that in common could be a good thing. However diversity was not an issue either for us with a different region.

Anyway we had been on some waiting children lists and on one of them a girl from China who was an older child caught our attention. We inquired and then off on a whirlwind adventure where we changed countries, dealt with the issues of going on with that and moving forward. This was not done on a whim. We talked to doctors, other parents of older adoptive children, friends in the adoption business etc. In the end we decided this child was meant to be a part of our family. She is a healthy child and I really do not ant to give many details at the moment as I just want to keep it a family thing and will post more the closer we get. I will just say she is female if you have not figured that out yet and she is older than 7.

Where do we stand? We are pre approved from the CCAA in China to adopt this child. We have our homestudy complete and all of our dossier except a couple of things. One is the I800A and I just received word today it is approved and we should have official paperwork sometime next week. As we get closer I will leak out more details but for now I will just say she is in Guangzhou and we hope to have her as a member of our family lat ethis year or early next. Stay tuned for updates!