Friday, December 7, 2007

Some things just make you sad

Hmm I posted a long piece about the way some folks treat others via the internet and how being behind a keyboard empowers folks to say all kinds of things, especially if you can do it anonymously. I just decided to retype it, mostly as I was long winded and can sum it up much better. Usually when doing so it is with the excuse of saying I am protecting so and so. Just think before you post, would you be brave enough to say or talk to this person in this manner if you were in person face to face? If no maybe you should think twice about what you are doing. Just my 2cents and I know somebody will post something in regards to how I just don't know. Ok whatever. Just think before you hit that enter key. And yes I sign my name and yes I call it like I see it, even in real life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. Having been in the adoption community for about 6 months now, I have really just started staying away from a lot of the blogs rather than read what the faceless masses have to say. Thanks for this post.