Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thoughts on Parenthood

Well we have been with Sadie since the end of October and I just thought I would list some of my observations on parenthood.(Most amusing)

1. Yes she is amazing enough said on that one, more than we ever expected.
2. She does not really look like us, go figure but I say she looks like me most! LOL
3. We tell people she has handled the language issue very well even though she is Vietnamese, she can cry in 2 languages.(You would not believe how many people ask how she will learn English. She is almost 10 months now.)
4. In her mind it is all about her and rightly so, I would just love to know exactly what is going on in that mind sometimes, or maybe not.
5. How in the world does that much poop come out of such a little body? I mean that much didn't go in.
6. Lesson learned the hardway. DO NOT snatch the pants off in one quick movement trying to be cute and make baby laugh. If the diaper has overflowed with poop it will go everywhere. I learned the hard way.
7.Most baby food taste like the poop that comes out of baby.(Yes I know what both taste like see #6 and you will know how) However the little Graduate puffy cookies that are apple cinnamon taste like apple jacks!
8. What baby does not have she will usually get from Grandmothers or aunts. I see this as a trend continuing for many years.
9. I get to play with her toys. I think sh eis ready for Weii and a 42@ flat panel TV but her mother does not seem to agree.
10. Man she is just too darn cute.

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